Riki x Eiger

Project137 collaborates with EIGER Adventure to launch the first Non-Fungible Token (NFT) collection named Riki x Eiger series, inspired by the tiger which is an endangered animal in Indonesia.
Minting is live now!!



11 May 2022

Sale Start at 20:00 (GMT+7)

17 May 2022

NFT Reveal at 13:00 (GMT+7)


We will announce the next roadmap in the future


EN: What is NFT?
ID: Apa itu NFT?

EN: An NFT is a digital asset that represents real-world objects like art, music, in-game items and videos. They are bought and sold online, frequently with cryptocurrency, and they are generally encoded with the same underlying software as many cryptos.

ID: NFT adalah aset digital yang mewakili object dalam kehidupan nyata seperti seni, musik, barang dalam game dan video. NFT diperjual-belikan secara online menggunakan cryptocurrency, dan NFT umumnya memliki kode yang dihasilkan dari program sama seperti crypto.

EN: What is Blockchain?
ID: Apa itu Blockchain?

EN: Blockchain is a shared, immutable ledger that facilitates the process of recording transactions and tracking assets in a business network.

ID: Blockchain itu seperti buku kas yang mutlak dan digunakan bersama-sama, yang memfasilitasi proses pecatatan transaksi dan pelacakan aset di dalam jaringan bisnis.

EN: What is Cryptocurrency?
ID: Apa itu Cryptocurrency?

EN: A cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that is secured by cryptography, which makes it nearly impossible to counterfeit or double-spend.

ID: Cryptocurrency adalah kurs digital atau virtual yang diamankan oleh kriptografi, yang membuat mustahil untuk dipalsukan atau lebih bayar.

EN: What is NFT Minting?
ID: Apa itu NFT Minting?

EN: Minting, in regards to NFTs, is the process of taking a digital asset and converting the digital file into a digital asset stored on the blockchain.

ID: Minting NFT adalah proses mengambil aset digital dan merubahnya file digitalnya menjadi aset digital yang tersimpan di blockchain.

EN: What do I need to mint an NFT?
ID: Apa yang dibutuhkan untuk mint sebuah NFT?

EN: You need a digital wallet, such as Metamask, so please create one at https://metamask.io/ if you don't have.

After that, you need to buy cryptocurrency. You can buy cryptocurrency at https://www.tokocrypto.com/ or https://coinbase.com

We recommend using PC / Laptop, if you want to use mobile phone, you have to use Metamask in-app browser to connect the wallet.

ID: Kalian butuh dompet digital, seperti Metamask, jadi mohon buat dulu di https://metamask.io/ jika belum punya.

Setelah itu, kalian harus membeli cryptocurrency. Kalian bisa beli di https://www.tokocrypto.com/ atau https://coinbase.com

Kami sarankan untuk menggunakan PC / Laptop, karena jika lewat HP, kalian harus menggunakan browser bawaan Metamask untuk connect wallet.

EN: What blockchain will you use?
ID: Blockchain apa yang akan digunakan?

EN: For Riki The Tiger, we will use Polygon.

ID: Untuk Riki The Tiger, kami akan menggunakan Polygon.

EN: How to change network to Polygon in Metamask?
ID: Bagaimana cara merubah network ke Polygon di Metamask?

EN: 1. Go to https://chainlist.org/
2. On the search column, type Polygon
3. Click "Connect Wallet" on the upper right website, click "Next" in Metamask
4. Back to the chainlist page, click "Add to Metamask" on the Polygon section, then click "Approve" in Metamask
5. Check the network in Metamask. If it says Ethereum, click it, and click Polygon.

ID: 1. Buka website https://chainlist.org/
2. Pada kolom search network cari Polygon, lalu akan muncul Polygon Mainnet
3. Klik "Connect Wallet" di atas kanan website, klik "Next" di Metamask
4. Kembali ke website, klik "Add to Metamask" di bagian Polygon, lalu klik "Approve" di Metamask
5. Cek network yang terbuka sekarang di bagian atas metamask. Jika masih belum berubah, klik pada bagian network dan pilih Polygon.

EN: What will the price be to mint 1 NFT?
ID: Berapa harga untuk minting 1 NFT?

EN: The price will be 12 MATIC.

ID: Harganya adalah 12 MATIC.

EN: Where can I mint the NFT?
ID: Di mana saya bisa mint NFT nya?

EN: When the sale is open, you can mint on our website through the "MINT" button on top of the page.

ID: Ketika sale sudah mulai, kalian bisa minting di website kami melalui tombol "MINT" yang ada di bagian atas halaman.

EN: What benefits will I get for owning the NFT?
ID: Keuntungan apa yang saya dapat kalau memiliki NFT ini?

EN: The first 50 minter will get 10% discount voucher that you can use at https://eigeradventure.com

Because EIGER doesn't ship outside Indonesia yet, the voucher only for people based in Indonesia.

Please make a ticket in our discord server to claim the voucher.

ID: 50 pembeli pertama berhak mendapatkan voucher diskon 10% yang bisa kalian gunakan di https://eigeradventure.com

Karena EIGER belum bisa mengirim keluar Indonesia, voucher hanya berlaku untuk yang tinggal di Indonesia saja.

Mohon membuat ticket di server discord kami untuk mendapatkan vouchernya.

EN: A Bot / Someone from your Discord server DM'ed me, saying I win a giveaway, is that legit?
ID: Ada bot / orang yang DM saya, dia bilang kalau saya menang giveaway, apakah ini benar?

EN: We have setup our bot to never send you a DM and our Admins will never DM you first.

Please report to one of our Admins on Discord so we can ban them.

ID: Kami sudah setting bot kami agar tidak mengirim DM, dan Admin kami tidak akan DM kalian duluan.

Mohon laporkan kepada salah satu Admin kami di discord agar kami bisa ban mereka.

EN: Is this site legit?
ID: Apakah website ini asli?

EN: The real and legit site is https://project137.io/

We only have one site, so please be aware when someone gave you a link.

ID: Website yang benar dan asli hanya di https://project137.io/

Kami hanya punya satu website, jadi mohon hati-hati jika ada orang yang mengirim link kepada kalian.


Project137 collaborates with EIGER Adventure to launch the first Non-Fungible Token (NFT) collection named Riki The Tiger series, inspired by the tiger which is an endangered animal in Indonesia.
This collaboration is one of EIGER Adventure's efforts to adapt current technology in building a bridge to Web 3.0 and the Metaverse.